1st International Constrained Horn Clause Satisfiability Competition (CHC-COMP 2018): Rules and Procedures

(Revision: Apr 14, 2018)
(Based on rules and procedures of SMT-COMP’17)

Comments on this document can be submitted through Gitter or emailed directly to the organizers.


All communication will be done through Gitter. Important late-breaking news and any necessary clarifications and edits to the rules and procedures will be announced there. Additional information will appear on the competition web page at https://chc-comp.github.io.

Important Dates



Constrained Horn Clauses (CHC) is a fragment of First Order Logic (FOL) that is sufficiently expressive to describe many verification, inference, and synthesis problems including inductive invariant inference, model checking of safety properties, inference of procedure summaries, regression verification, and sequential equivalence.

The Constrained Horn Clause Satisfiability competition (CHC-COMP) is the annual competition among CHC solvers. The goal of the competition is to advance development of solvers, facilitate standardization and evolution of the input format, and collect benchmarks, and promote a friendly competition.

CHC-COMP is co-located with the HCVS Workshop (July 13), which is affiliated with the International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2018), International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2018) and International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2018) at International Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2018).

Researchers are encouraged to submit new solvers and new benchmarks to raise the level of the competition and advance the state-of-the-art.

CHC-COMP might have multiple tracks. These rules will be updated when the tracks are finalized.

Each track will contain multiple divisions based on specific SMT-LIB logic used for constrained and additional features specific to CHC. Winners will be recognized based on number of instances solved, and, potentially, other criteria such as CPU time.

This document is based significantly on the rules and procedures for SMT-COMP 2017.


Solver submission. An entrant to CHC-COMP is an CHC solver submitted by its authors using the StarExec service. The execution service enables members of the SMT research community (which includes some members of the CHC research community) to run solvers on jobs consisting of benchmarks from the SMT-LIB benchmark library. Jobs are run on a shared computer cluster. The execution service is provided free of charge, but it does require registration to create a login account. Registered users may then upload their own solvers to run, or may run public solvers already uploaded to the service. Information about how to configure and upload a solver is contained in the StarExec user guide,


For participation in CHC-COMP, a solver must be uploaded to StarExec and made publicly available. StarExec supports solver configurations; for clarity, each submitted solver must have one configuration only. Moreover, the organizers must be informed of the solver’s presence and the tracks and divisions in which it is participating via the web form at


System description. As part of a submission, CHC-COMP entrants are encouraged to provide a short (1–2 pages) description of the system. This should include a list of all authors of the system, their present institutional affiliations, and any appropriate acknowledgements. The programming language(s) and basic CHC solving approach employed should be described (e.g., PDR, interpolation, predicate abstraction, etc.) System descriptions are encouraged to include a URL for a web site for the submitted tool. System descriptions may be submitted after the solver deadline, but to be useful should be sent to the organizers before the competition ends. We intend to make system descriptions publicly available.

Multiple versions. The organizers’ intent is to promote as wide a comparison among solvers and solver options as possible. However, if the number of solver submissions is too large for the computational resources available to the competition, the organizers reserve the right not to accept multiple versions of solvers from the same solver team.

Other solvers. The organizers reserve the right to include other solvers of interest in the competition, e.g., for comparison purposes.

Wrapper tools. A wrapper tool is defined as any solver which calls one or more CHC solvers not written by the author of the wrapper tool. The other solvers are called the wrapped solvers. A wrapper tool must explicitly acknowledge any solvers that it wraps. Its system description should make clear the technical innovations by which the wrapper tool expects to improve on the wrapped solvers.

Attendance. Participants of CHC-COMP need not be physically present at the competition or the HCVS workshop to participate or win.


CHC-COMP entrants must be submitted via StarExec (solvers) and the above web form (accompanying information) until the end of SUBMIT DATE, anywhere on earth. After this date no new entrants will be accepted. However, updates to existing entrants on StarExec will be accepted until the end of END ACCEPT DATE anywhere on earth.

We strongly encourage participants to use this grace period only for the purpose of fixing any bugs that may be discovered, and not for adding new features, as there may be no opportunity to do extensive testing using StarExec after the initial deadline.

The solver versions that are present on StarExec at the conclusion of the grace period will be the ones used for the competition. Versions submitted after this time will not be used. The organizers reserve the right to start the competition itself at any time after the opening of the New York Stock Exchange on the day after the final solver deadline.

These deadlines and procedures apply equally to all tracks of the competition.

Execution of the Solvers

Solvers will be publicly evaluated in all tracks and divisions into which they have been entered. All results of the competition will be made public.


Dates of competition. The bulk of the computation will take place during the weeks leading up to FLoC 2018. Intermediate results will be regularly posted to the CHC-COMP website as the competition runs.

The organizers reserve the right to prioritize certain competition tracks or divisions to ensure their timely completion, and in exceptional circumstances to complete divisions after the HCVS workshop.

Input and output. In the main track, a participating solver must read a single benchmark script, whose filename is presented as the solver’s first command-line argument.

The benchmark script is in the concrete syntax of the SMT-LIB format, version 2.6, though with a restricted set of commands. A benchmark script is a text file containing a sequence of SMT-LIB commands that satisfies the following requirements:

  1. The script starts with the single (set-logic HORN) command.
  2. The script may contain any number of set-info commands.
  3. The script may contain any number of declare-fun commands.
  4. The script may contain any number of assert commands.
  5. There is exactly one check-sat command.
  6. The script might optionally contain an (exit) command.
  7. No other commands besides the ones mentioned above should be used.

Additional restrictions will be placed on the format and will be made available on the web site at https://chc-comp.github.io.

Time and memory limits. Each CHC-COMP solver will be executed on a dedicated processor of a competition machine, for each given benchmark, up to a fixed wall-clock time limit \(T\) . Each processor has 4 cores. Detailed machine specifications are available on the competition web site.

The time limit \(T\) is yet to be determined, but it is anticipated to be at most 40 minutes of wall-clock time per solver/benchmark pair. Solvers that take more than this time limit will be killed. Solvers are allowed to spawn other processes; these will be killed at approximately the same time as the first started process.

The StarExec service also limits the memory consumption of the solver processes. We expect the memory limit per solver/benchmark pair to be on the order of 60 GB. The values of both the time limit and the memory limit are available to a solver process through environment variables. See the StarExec user guide for more information.

Main track

The main track competition will consist of selected benchmarks in each of the logic divisions. Each benchmark script will be presented to the solver as its first command-line argument. The solver is then expected to attempt to report on its standard output channel whether the formula is satisfiable (sat, in lowercase) or unsatisfiable (unsat). A solver may also report unknown to indicate that it cannot determine satisfiability of the formula. The main track competition uses a StarExec post-processor (named “CHC-COMP 2018”) to accumulate the results.

Aborts and unparsable output. Any success outputs will be ignored. Solvers that exit before the time limit without reporting a result (e.g., due to exhausting memory or crashing) and do not produce output that includes sat, unsat or unknown will be considered to have aborted.

Persistent state. Solvers may create and write to files and directories during the course of an execution, but they must not read such files back during later executions. Each solver is executed with a temporary directory as its current working directory. Any generated files should be produced there (and not, say, in the system’s /tmp directory). The StarExec system sets a limit on the amount of disk storage permitted – typically 20 GB. See the StarExec user guide for more information. The temporary directory is deleted after the job is complete. Solvers must not attempt to communicate with other machines, e.g., over the network.

Benchmarks and Problem Divisions

Benchmark sources. Benchmarks for each division will be drawn from the CHC-COMP benchmarks located at https://github.com/chc-comp.

New benchmarks. The deadline for submission of new benchmarks is DATE. The organizers, will be checking and curating these until DATE.

Benchmark demographics. In CHC-COMP repository, the benchmarks are organized according to families. A benchmark family contains problems that are similar in some significant way. Typically they come from the same source or application, or are all output by the same tool. Each top-level repository within the CHC-COMP GitHub organization represents a distinct family.

Benchmark selection. The competition will use a subset of CHC-COMP benchmarks. The benchmark pool is culled as follows:

  • Remove inappropriate benchmarks. The competition organizers may remove benchmarks that are deemed inappropriate or uninteresting for competition, or cut the size of certain benchmark families to avoid their over-representation. CHC-COMP attempts to give preference to benchmarks that are “real-world”, in the sense of coming from or having some intended application outside the competition.

All remaining benchmarks are eligible to be used for the competition. The selection of the benchmarks for the competition will be made by the organizers based on many factors, including, but not limited to, benchmark difficulty and benchmark category.

The set of benchmarks selected for the competition will be published as a repository on GitHub when the competition begins.

Heats. Since the organizers at this point are unsure how long the set of benchmarks may take (which will depend also on the number of solvers submitted), the competition may be run in heats. For each track and division, the selected benchmarks may be randomly divided into a number of (possibly unequal-sized) heats. Heats will be run in order. If the organizers determine that there is adequate time, all heats will be used for the competition. Otherwise, incomplete heats will be ignored.

Benchmark scrambling. Benchmarks might be slightly scrambled before the competition, using a simple benchmark scrambler. The benchmark scrambler, if used, will be made publicly available before the competition.

Naturally, solvers must not rely on previously determined identifying syntactic characteristics of competition benchmarks in testing satisfiability. Violation of this rule is considered cheating.

Pseudo-random numbers. Pseudo-random numbers used, e.g., for the creation of heats or the scrambling of benchmarks, will be generated using the standard C library function random(), seeded (using srandom()) with the sum, modulo 230, of the integer numbers provided in the system descriptions by all CHC-COMP entrants other than the organizers. Additionally, the integer part of the opening value of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index on the first day the exchange is open on or after the date specified in the timeline will be added to the other seeding values. This helps provide transparency, by guaranteeing that the organizers cannot manipulate the seed in favour of or against any particular submitted solver.


Competitive Divisions

Scores will be computed for all solvers and divisions. However, winners will be declared only for competitive divisions. A division in a track is competitive if at least two substantially different solvers (i.e., solvers from two different teams) were submitted. Although the organizers may enter other solvers for comparison purposes, only solvers that are explicitly submitted by their authors determine whether a division is competitive, and are eligible to be designated as winners.

Benchmark Scoring

A solver’s raw score for each benchmark is a quadruple \(⟨e, n, w, c⟩\), with \(e \in \{0, 1\}\) the number of erroneous results (usually \(e = 0\)), \(0 \leq n \leq N\) the number of correct results, \(w \in [0, T ]\) the (real-valued) wall-clock time in seconds, and \(c \in [0, 4T ]\) the (real-valued) CPU time in seconds, measured across all cores and sub-processes, until the solver process terminates.

Main track. More specifically, for the main track, we have

  • \(e = 0\), \(n = 0\) if the solver aborts without a response, or the result of the check-sat command is unknown,

  • \(e = 0\), \(n = 1\) if the result of the check-sat command is sat or unsat, and the result either agrees with the benchmark status or the benchmark status is unknown,

  • \(e = 1\), \(n = 0\) if the result of the check-sat command is incorrect.

Note that a (correct or incorrect) response is taken into consideration even when the solver process terminates abnormally, or does not terminate within the time limit. Solvers should take care not to accidentally produce output that contains sat or unsat.

Sequential performance (main track)

We intend to recognize both best sequential and best parallel solvers in all competitive main track divisions.

The raw score, as defined above, favours parallel solvers, which may utilize all available processor cores. To evaluate sequential performance, we derive a sequential score by imposing a (virtual) CPU time limit equal to the wall-clock time limit \(T\). A solver result is taken into consideration for the sequential score only if the solver process terminates within this CPU time limit. More specifically, for a given raw score \((e, n, w, c)\), the corresponding sequential score is defined as triple \((e_S , n_S , c_S )\), where

  • if \(c>T\) then \(e_S =0\) and \(n_S =0\);
  • if \(c\leq T\) then \(e_S =e\) and \(n_S =n\);
  • and \(c_S = min\{c,T\}\).

Division Scoring

Main track: removal of disagreements. Before division scores are computed for the main track, benchmarks with unknown status are removed from the competition results if two (or more) solvers that are sound on benchmarks with known status disagree on their result. More specifically, a solver (including a solver that was entered into the competition by the organizers for comparison purposes) is sound on benchmarks with known status for a division if its raw score is of the form \((0, n, w, c)\) for each benchmark in the division, i.e., if it did not produce any erroneous results. Two solvers disagree on a benchmark if one of them reported sat and the other reported unsat. Only the remaining benchmarks are used in the following computation of division scores.

To compute a solver’s score for a division, the solver’s individual benchmark scores for all benchmarks in the division are summed component-wise.

Division scores are compared lexicographically:

  • A sum of raw scores \((e,n,w,c)\) is better than \((e',n',w',c')\) iff \(e < e'\), or (\(e = e'\) and \(n>n'\)), or (\(e=e'\) and \(n=n'\) and \(w<w'\)), or (\(e=e'\) and \(n=n'\) and \(w=w'\) and \(c<c'\)).

  • A sum of sequential scores \((e_S,n_S,c_S)\) is better than \((e'_S,n'_S,c'_S)\) iff \(e_S < e'_S\) or (\(e_S =e'_S\) and \(n_S> n'_S\)) or (\(e_S =e'_S\) and \(n_S =n'_S\) and \(c_S <c'_S\)).

That is, fewer errors takes precedence over more correct solutions, which, in turn, takes precedence over execution time, and clock time takes precedence over wall time.

We will not make any comparisons between raw scores and sequential scores, as these are intended to measure fundamentally different performance characteristics.

Competition-wide scoring (main track)

The competition-wide metric for the main track is defined for both parallel and sequential performance based on raw and sequential scores, respectively.

The solver’s competition-wide scores are defined by

\[\sum_{i} (e_i = 0 \;?\; n_i \;:\; 0)\]

where the sum is over all competitive divisions to which the solver was entered, using parallel and sequential score, as appropriate.

We will recognize the best three solvers according to these metrics. Solvers that produce unsound results (i.e., \(e_i > 0\)) will not be ranked with solvers that are sound and are not eligible for any potential awards.

Other Awards and Mentions

The organizers might recognize solvers and participants based on other criteria such as contribution of new benchmarks.


The organizers reserve the right, with careful deliberation, to remove a benchmark from the competition results if it is determined that the benchmark is faulty (e.g., syntactically invalid in a way that affects some solvers but not others); and to clarify ambiguities in these rules that are discovered in the course of the competition. Authors of solver entrants may appeal to the organizers to request such decisions. Organizers that are affiliated with solver entrants will be recused from these decisions. The organizers’ decisions are final.


The organizing team for CHC-COMP 2018 is

  • Arie Gurfinkel – University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Philipp Ruemmer – Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Grigory Fedyukovich – Princeton University, USA
  • Adrien Champion – University of Tokyo, Japan

The rules are substantially based on the rules and procedures of the SMT-COMP competition.

Disclosures. The organizers might be participants. In this case, the association between tools and organizers should be described here.